Is God Gonna Do Anything About This?

by | Sep 4, 2024

Larry and I have a recurring disagreement. And if he’s right, I just don’t know how I’ll live with the result of it. Not to be dramatic or anything..

I believe God cares about all things large and small. Larry believes some things are inconsequential.

I believe God will deal with things that are wrong especially if they are intentional, and not just an honest mistake.

Larry believes that some issues, God just doesn’t see as a big deal.

So………..lemme give an example. Unfortunately, this is not a rare thing. It occurs in a lot of different places. For this example, I’ll use McDonalds which is somewhere I frequent, especially for iced tea.

Larry and I go through the drive-through at McDonalds. I order an unsweet tea. After we roll out of there, I taste it and discover that they gave me the wrong thing. It’s sweet tea. I get irritated. If we are driving slow enough, I roll down the window and spit it out. That’s how much I hate it. We circle back so I can get what I asked for and paid for. I say to the employee, “This is sweet tea…” and sometimes the response I get is something like this: “I’m sorry m’am,  we didn’t have any unsweet at this time…” and then I say, “Well why didn’t you tell me that instead of just giving me the wrong drink and expecting me to be happy with it?”  Then we leave and after we drive away, (out of earshot of the employee), I make the remark, “Do your thing, Lord.” And Larry rolls his eyes and cracks up and says, “Do your thing, Lord? Do you really think the Lord gives a rip about iced tea? You’re just bougie. The Lord isn’t going to do anything about this.” 

I have to believe that God is going to do something about stuff. This is the way I’m able to move on when things go wrong – big or small. I can let it go and put it in God’s hands, because I believe He WILL do something about it.

I believe if people are repeatedly lazy or dishonest, even about small things, God will deal with it in His way and His time.  I know His ways are not my ways. He doesn’t deal with people as I would. But my point is, I am confident that I can trust God to address all things eventually as He sees fit. People will ultimately be called to account on everything.

How do you put something in God’s hands if you really don’t believe he’ll do anything about it?

Larry believes for me to expect God to do anything about receiving the wrong iced tea on purpose is a little ridiculous. God has too much on His plate to be concerned with than a $2 iced tea.

I believe God has no limit on what He can have on His plate. And, Is it really a high expectation to receive what you order and pay for?

I guess Larry’s theology is really good news for all of the people out there who are committing small acts of an inappropriate nature. If he’s right, I hope they are enjoying themselves as they go unchecked by God, irritating the heck out of people left and right.

What I Believe

I believe the belief that God will right all wrongs is a key aspect of the doctrine of divine justice. The attributes of God are infinite. He is merciful but He is also just. He does all things well, not just the things we consider the big things.

“Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground outside your Father’s care. And even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. So don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows.” Matthew 10:29-31 (NIV)

Why would God even care about numbering the hairs on my head?  If that isn’t enough, He’s actually got all my tears collected in a bottle.

“You keep track of all my sorrows. You have collected all my tears in your bottle. You have recorded each one in your book.” Psalm 56:8 (NIV)

That must be one heck of a big bottle.

Despite all the tears that have been cried about stuff, He commands that I never take revenge into my own hands, assuring that He will take care of it:

“Do not take revenge, my dear friends, but leave room for God’s wrath, for it is written: ‘It is mine to avenge; I will repay,’ says the Lord.” Romans 12:19 (NIV)

He promises that He will rise up on my behalf:

“Yet the Lord longs to be gracious to you; therefore he will rise up to show you compassion. For the Lord is a God of justice. Blessed are all who wait for him!” Isaiah 30:18 (NIV)

He will rectify matters of varying kinds:

“For I, the Lord, love justice; I hate robbery and wrongdoing. In my faithfulness I will reward my people and make an everlasting covenant with them.” Isaiah 61:8

Did you get that? Robbery and wrongdoing. What is wrongdoing? My guess is, it’s doing what’s wrong.

Whatever “wrongdoing” is, it seems like God is pretty serious about it…

“For the Lord loves the just and will not forsake his faithful ones. Wrongdoers will be completely destroyed; the offspring of the wicked will perish.” Psalm 37:28 *NIV)

Psalm 138:8 says that God will “perfect that which concerneth you…”

I take that to mean whatever concerns me, God is going to take care of. I have to keep believing that with all my heart in order to let things go, big and small and not allow myself to get swallowed up in what is happening whether it’s a minor annoyance or a major trauma.

What about you? What do you believe?


  1. Deborah

    I remember reading a passage (I’ll have to paraphrase) about how those who are faithful with little will be entrusted with much, and those who aren’t faithful with little won’t. They could even have what little the have be taken away. So God must be paying attention to the little things 👍🏻

    • Dr. Deanna Shrodes

      Yes, absolutely. I love that verse and cling to it.

  2. Dennis Astemborski

    Dr Shrodes we all fall short of perfection. We all “should” offer forgiveness and grace which is easier said than done. I think you both present a great argument. You’re both right! I would suggest that the Lord searches and tests the heart. To and fro only He can know! He will be looking into your heart as well to see its condition. The Spirit is always working on all sides of the street. Blessings, Dennis

    • Dr. Deanna Shrodes

      I agree with you completely. I fall short all the time. I guess what I want from people when they do is an acknowledgment of that and to make it right but it doesn’t always happen. And as you mention, the Spirit is always working both sides of the street. Thank you for your thoughts!

  3. Carey Pleau

    I think if God doesn’t care about small things they how do we explain a little child praying to God about something we Adults believe is inconsequential to us. I remember when my Granddaughter who was about 4 at the time and my neighbors girls, both a little older, found a dead bird and held a funeral for it, complete with a burial, do you think God looked down and said: “why are they bothering me with this nonsense” or did he smile and say: “good job children”? I’d like to think my God was smiling!

    • Dr. Deanna Shrodes

      That’s a good point, Carey.

  4. Laura Elizabeth Flora

    Yes’ God cares about all things large and small….
    He cares about what we care for! However I do not believe He will step in and save you from McDonald’s dishonesty about your tea LOL 🤦‍♀️

    “I believe God will deal with things that are wrong especially if they are intentional, and not just an honest mistake.”
    If its intentionally done even if it’s something small I do believe God will step in, maybe not right away but yes it will happen.
    If it’s honest mistakes as in them never learning any better, then I think God possibly uses others to bring it to their attention instead of Him stepping in….

    Now if these honest mistakes are harming others or even themselves then I belive God will step in….

    Take me for an example, I was taught to say sorry, if I felt sorry about something, whether I understood what
    I was doing was wrong or not… So I have done alot of apologies in my life that
    I didnt really mean, Because
    I felt condemnation, but I had no Holy Spirit conviction.

    I have done alot of wrong things, especially with relationship, because I was never taught boundaries by Anyone and the thing Is
    I never felt The Lord get onto me about this.

    So He used You Pastor Deanna and Pastor Linda to finnaly open my eyes to things unseen in my life..
    And these are possibly those small acts of an inappropriate nature, but being done in ignorance and not on purpose.

    So I believe You and Pastor Larry can be right on this…

    Does that make sense?
    I Hope so….

    BTW reading that first half about you and Pastor Larry in a disagreement and the Tea story and Pastor calling you bougie had me On The Floor Laughing 🤣. It felt good to Laugh, It’s been awhile,
    So thank you 💞☺️

    • Dr. Deanna Shrodes

      I’m glad this ministered to you and made you laugh!


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