Authentic Life & Leadership
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The Secret to Making
Bad Things Work For You
The biggest choice people often throw away is the choice to lead themselves. How often do other people make a choice that negatively affects you, and you respond by doing something that hurts YOU even worse? I've done it too many times to count. One of the worst...
3 Things to Do When You Feel Overwhelmed
Everyone gets overwhelmed at times. I'm no stranger to it and sometimes I've handled it well and other times I've failed and the overwhelm has become even worse. Recently, I was overwhelmed as several huge deadlines converged at once. At the same time, I was...
There’s a Lot I Used to Believe
I wrote a book many years ago that is now out of print. I am so thankful it's out of print because I don't believe at least 25% of it anymore. I have lived, studied, and grown, and therefore some of the things I believe have changed since that time. I disagree with a...
The World Really Is Your Oyster.
Start Acting Like It!
Sometimes we get discouraged about our environment or our circumstances and we can begin to feel hopeless or trapped. And the truth is, we are less trapped or stuck than we think we are. In fact, rarely are we truly trapped, we just don't want to change or move. God...
5 Things to Do When Life Isn’t Cooperating
One of my sayings on a frustrating week that I often say to Larry and to Judi (my friend/assistant) is, "Can't anything just be easy?" Have you ever said that? We've all had those weeks that seem to be filled with small to medium frustrations nipping at our heels. By...
Marriage: 5 Habits That Keep Us Together
I've been married a super long time. Thirty-seven years to be exact. I know, I know... we don't look as if we could have been married this long. (LOL!) Truth-be-told we did get married very young. Larry was still a teenager! I know, it seems crazy. But here we still...
Deanna’s 7 Sanity-Saving Business Travel Tips
My husband is a travel expert. In addition to being a pastor, he owns a travel agency, Best Memories Travel, and is a licensed travel agent. I'm not going to pretend to be the expert on that. If you're looking to book a trip -- especially a cruise -- there's no one...
Invite Deanna to speak at your next event!
Deanna is invited to return and speak at many of the same places time and again because the result has been an overwhelmingly positive experience with lives changed, and people encouraged.
Become Your Most Authentic Self
Free E-Book
Are you tired of being who and what others expect you to be, instead of who God created you to be?
If you find the pressure of other people's expectations exhausting and you are ready to be the authentic YOU that you were always meant to be, Deanna would like to gift you with an ebook, 29 Ways to Become Your Most Authentic Self.
It's time to break free and finally live according to your divine design!