Authentic Life & Leadership
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3 Keys to Achieving Goals in the New Year
It's a brand new day, and a brand new year. What will be different this time next year? Absolutely nothing if you and I don't build the right habits. If you haven't read Atomic Habits by James Clear, run -- don't walk, to get this book. In fact, if you read only one...
Can People Trust You?
Trusting people is a challenge for me, as it is for many people. Yet I remain committed to trusting, because I know you can't get anything done as a leader without it. I'm openly admitting it -- I trust because I want to produce and achieve and I know there's none of...
What to Do When You’re Not Moving Forward
I have heard hundreds of people say, “I should write a book.” But rare is the person who follows through and does it. 81% of people say they want to write a book. Only 3% actually do it. This is because it’s not easy to write a book, even for people who love to write....
Life Changing Tip:
Have the Conversation with the Right Person!
We need to have conversations with the people we're supposed to have conversations with. This didn't come out of my head -- I wish it did. It's brilliant. But I have to give credit to T.D. Jakes. I heard him say it in an interview, and it changed my life. And now, I...
How to Increase Your Chances of Getting Help
Everyone wants something. I've noticed the majority of people don't realize the tricks to the trade of getting what they want. There are people who, when instructed on what to do to get help, will still insist on doing things their own way. This is one of the biggest...
The Teacher Who Told Me to STOP Writing
(And 3 Things You Can Learn From It)
"I'm sick of this Jeannie business, and if I hear of it one more time, you're in big trouble!!!" This tongue lashing came Mrs. Mulkey, my second-grade-teacher-from-hell. Now, let it be known, I love teachers. Teachers are my heroes. Throughout all of my schooling, I...
5 Ways to Keep a Marriage Hot
This week, despite many obstacles and against all odds, Larry and I headed out west once Hurricane Milton was over. We flew to California to take a long-planned vacation to Cabo, Puerto Vallarta, and Mazatlan. We were supposed to leave last Wednesday morning to spend...
Invite Deanna to speak at your next event!
Deanna is invited to return and speak at many of the same places time and again because the result has been an overwhelmingly positive experience with lives changed, and people encouraged.
Become Your Most Authentic Self
Free E-Book
Are you tired of being who and what others expect you to be, instead of who God created you to be?
If you find the pressure of other people's expectations exhausting and you are ready to be the authentic YOU that you were always meant to be, Deanna would like to gift you with an ebook, 29 Ways to Become Your Most Authentic Self.
It's time to break free and finally live according to your divine design!