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As seen on CBS Mornings!

Dr. Deanna Shrodes

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9 Ways You Might Not Know You’re Blessed

9 Ways You Might Not Know You’re Blessed

I don't know what I thought 2023 was going to be, but I didn't think it would be this. Earlier this week I was telling Judi (my assistant) that I had honestly expected this year to be easier. I don't know why, I just did. Maybe it's because I thought I was going to...

Are You Easy Prey?  (3 Ways to Defeat the Enemy)

Are You Easy Prey?
(3 Ways to Defeat the Enemy)

On one of my trips to Africa, I met a tour guide who told me the story of a group that had been warned not to get out of the jeep in certain areas. They were told that it was extremely dangerous and they were to stay in the vehicle no matter what. A woman thought she...

7 Ways to Experience True Rest

7 Ways to Experience True Rest

Confession: I have a lot to learn about rest. I know that on the surface, it appears to be a simple concept. To many people, rest means to, sit down and "rest a spell," as they would say in the South. Put your feet up. Take a load off. But it’s not that simple. I have...

Loss and Grief: Say What You Need to Say

Loss and Grief:
Say What You Need to Say

Today was a hard day. My friend Bev Guidt passed away, in Richmond, Virginia. It was a total shock. I am still sitting here shaking my head wondering,"What in the world?!" Bev recently went into the hospital for surgery on her spine. Then she was released to a rehab...

God Doesn’t Protect Every Leader!

God Doesn’t Protect Every Leader!

Did you know that God is not automatically on a leader's side just because they are the leader? He does NOT approve of them just because they are the pastor or the "man of God" or the "woman of God." Some leaders walk around as if they have God's endorsement simply...

Writing and Fear of Loss

Writing and Fear of Loss

Writing about some things can cause you to lose everything or nearly everything. I've written a lot, and I've lost a lot. I've also gained so much more than I've lost. But the losses seem to stick in your mind more with anything. So we avoid loss if possible. It's...

Invite Deanna to speak at your next event!

Deanna is invited to return and speak at many of the same places time and again because the result has been an overwhelmingly positive experience with lives changed, and people encouraged.

Become Your Most Authentic Self

Free E-Book

Are you tired of being who and what others expect you to be, instead of who God created you to be?

If you find the pressure of other people's expectations exhausting and you are ready to be the authentic YOU that you were always meant to be, Deanna would like to gift you with an ebook, 29 Ways to Become Your Most Authentic Self.

It's time to break free and finally live according to your divine design!

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Live and lead authentically with my free gift to you, "29 Ways to Become Your Most Authentic Self".  Upon subscribing, you'll be taken directly to the PDF which you can download. 

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