Authentic Life & Leadership
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Life Changing Tip:
Have the Conversation with the Right Person!
We need to have conversations with the people we're supposed to have conversations with. This didn't come out of my head -- I wish it did. It's brilliant. But I have to give credit to T.D. Jakes. I heard him say it in an interview, and it changed my life. And now, I...
Working on Myself is a Full Time Job!
(Confessions on Self Leadership)
Do you ever feel like you might as well not even work on yourself because it takes so much effort, it's a never-ending battle and you often feel as if you fail as much as you succeed? I get you. Last week, I shared this post on my social media: Sometimes I get so...
Confessions of an Over-Functioner
I'm in the process of breaking a long-standing pattern of over-functioning. I can't believe it's taken me five decades of life to identify and do something about this issue! There are under-functioners and over-functioners. Underfunctioning people are overly dependent...
3 Things I’ve Noticed About Many Complementarians
Last week's post about deconstructing from bad marriage advice caused a little kerfuffle online, not in the comment section of the actual post on my blog, but at a social media site. A group of complementarians were miffed at what I had to say. I wasn't surprised and...
Deconstructing Bad Marriage Advice:
(How I’m Doing It)
I love pastors and pastors' wives. I am both of those things and have served in both of these roles for the past 37 years. I have received the majority of wisdom down through the years from ministers and their spouses. Larry and I leaned most heavily on this when we...
People Ask Me:
“How Do You Find Time to Write?”
I wrote a lot of my doctoral dissertation in airports, on planes, and in the car as my husband drove. The photo you see above was taken when I settled in to write for a few hours during a layover. Although I am finished with my doctoral work, writing on the go is...
What to Do When Things
Aren’t Getting Better
Reality check: some things don’t get better, at least right away. That doesn’t mean nothing gets better, but it means some situations may not, for a while. For example, there are diseases that are managed – not cured, unless God heals them. There are also...
Invite Deanna to speak at your next event!
Deanna is invited to return and speak at many of the same places time and again because the result has been an overwhelmingly positive experience with lives changed, and people encouraged.
Become Your Most Authentic Self
Free E-Book
Are you tired of being who and what others expect you to be, instead of who God created you to be?
If you find the pressure of other people's expectations exhausting and you are ready to be the authentic YOU that you were always meant to be, Deanna would like to gift you with an ebook, 29 Ways to Become Your Most Authentic Self.
It's time to break free and finally live according to your divine design!