You Can Read the Right Book
at the Wrong Time
Did you know you can read the right book at the wrong time? The thought never occurred to me to pray about what to read, until about twelve years ago. I was staying for a few days in the home of a mentor. She didn't change her routine just because I was there. We...
Why Did You Quote Them?
About once a month I receive communication of some sort (usually email), criticizing me for quoting a famous person who is not a Christian. Someone responds to my blog posts, articles, newsletters, or other posts on social media. In these cases, they assume the person...
Stop Pressuring and You Will Win!
I once had a friend I will call Rita who was friends with a woman I will call Annette. The reason I have changed their names will soon become clear. I was not friends with Annette. Although I had nothing against Annette when I first met her, she instantly disliked me...
Today’s Rant:
People Who Hijack Meetings
You go to a meeting. The leader welcomes everyone and says, “As we get started, I’d like us to go around the room and have each of you quickly share three things: your name, where you live, and your current role/job title.” When it’s my turn, I say, “I’m Deanna...
Helping People Who Don’t Want to Be Helped
Is there someone in your life who you desperately want to help, but when it gets down to it, they do not really want to be helped? Some would say it makes no sense to keep trying. They shake their heads in disbelief that you have hung on for so long trying. But if...
Why Limiting Yourself to Friends Who Are Your Age is a Terrible Idea
This is me with my friends Florence (91) and Frances (84). I get so annoyed everytime I hear people say, "I need to find friends my age..." I think to myself, "Welp, you're missing out on life..." Sometimes I tell the person that outright, and try to change their...
Invite deanna to speak at your event!
Deanna is invited to return and speak at many of the same places time and again because the result has been an overwhelmingly positive experience with lives changed, and people encouraged. She would love to come to your area.