by Dr. Deanna Shrodes | Feb 5, 2025 | Leadership, Abuse, Influence, Women
I was a freshman in Bible college back in 1984. A few months into college life, I met a young man who I will call “K” who was a friend, but nothing more. K appeared to be so Godly. I enjoyed being around him a lot. He was an upperclassman, well respected and seemed to...
by Dr. Deanna Shrodes | Mar 13, 2024 | Business, Leadership, Sabbath, Soul Care, Stress, Stress Management, Time Management, Women
Everyone gets overwhelmed at times. I’m no stranger to it and sometimes I’ve handled it well and other times I’ve failed and the overwhelm has become even worse. Recently, I was overwhelmed as several huge deadlines converged at once. At the...
by Dr. Deanna Shrodes | Mar 2, 2024 | Leadership, Ministry, Uncategorized, Women
Sometimes we get discouraged about our environment or our circumstances and we can begin to feel hopeless or trapped. And the truth is, we are less trapped or stuck than we think we are. In fact, rarely are we truly trapped, we just don’t want to change or move....
by Dr. Deanna Shrodes | Jan 10, 2024 | Adoptees, Adoption, Friendships, Relationships, Women
Laura Dennis and I first met in the blogging community. Both of us are writers, her being a popular adoption, adoptee, and parenting writer, and me being a writer in several genres including Christian living as well as adoptee issues. Since we’ve been friends...
by Dr. Deanna Shrodes | Dec 26, 2023 | Stress, Stress Management, Uncategorized, Women
One of my goals in 2024 is to be more like my friend, Cindy Georg. Not to copy her or be “just like her.” I’m a big fan of being wholeheartedly oneself. But I’m also about learning from the example of others in an effort to grow. Cindy is a...
by Dr. Deanna Shrodes | Dec 6, 2023 | Caregiving, Sabbath, Soul Care, Stress, Stress Management, Time Management, Women
Are you a giver? Me too. Being a giver, and living the generous life, is the best! I believe life has no meaning without it. I’m the type of person who often picks up other people’s check at a restaurant. I’m the type of person who makes and keeps...