by Dr. Deanna Shrodes | Dec 11, 2024 | Holidays
Are you feeling stuck when it comes to gift giving for some of the people on your Christmas list? Today I’d like to share a few of my favorite things that might be good choices for you to get for some of the people on your list. These are in no particular order,...
by Dr. Deanna Shrodes | Dec 20, 2023 | Family, Holidays, Marriage, Ministry, Relationships
We learn as much from failures in life as we do from successes. Probably more. So this is not a “my spouse and I do everything perfectly and always have the grandest holidays ever,” post. This is based on real-life experiences in a marriage and home that...
by Dr. Deanna Shrodes | Dec 13, 2023 | Stress Management, Holidays, Soul Care, Stress
If you came to my house you might believe I am so in love with the trappings of Christmas, I could never do without them. You’d be wrong. Despite the fact that our home is decorated with five fully decorated Christmas trees inside, and lots of other holiday...