by Dr. Deanna Shrodes | Jan 30, 2025 | Leadership, Motivation, Productivity, Uncategorized
It is common for people to make comments about me always being energetic and motivated. The truth is that while I am sometimes that way, there are many times I am not. There are times I have literally walked into a building saying, “I can do this! I can do this!...
by Dr. Deanna Shrodes | Jan 22, 2025 | Grief, Loss, Reflection, Resilience, Soul Care, Therapy, Trauma, Uncategorized
Someone once explained to me that Tylenol (or really any drug) doesn’t actually “take a headache away,” it simply numbs it for 4-6 hours or however long the medication lasts. To get rid of a headache, the source of the headache has to be gone,...
by Dr. Deanna Shrodes | Jan 15, 2025 | Christian Living
People who sincerely seek God for direction and then move on what He says are a different sort of person. Those who live their lives solely based upon God’s direction can be viewed as oddities or even mocked, but once you’ve lived in this way of allowing...
by Dr. Deanna Shrodes | Jan 8, 2025 | Leadership, Business
You will need help from somebody at some point. When you need help, it’s important to you to get it, and you want the best that person has to give. So, why doesn’t everyone receive the help they need, in the way they want to receive it? A lot of it has to...
by Dr. Deanna Shrodes | Jan 1, 2025 | Change, Health
It’s a brand new day, and a brand new year. What will be different this time next year? Absolutely nothing if you and I don’t build the right habits. If you haven’t read Atomic Habits by James Clear, run — don’t walk, to get this book. In...