by Dr. Deanna Shrodes | Jul 12, 2023 | Grief, Loss, Recovery, Trauma
Not long ago, I was having a talk with my assistant and friend, Judi Cotignola, about trauma, grief, loss and moving forward. We noticed something about the people in our lives who had experienced these tragedies. Some had moved forward and were seeing great things...
by Dr. Deanna Shrodes | Jun 28, 2023 | Relationships, Stress, Stress Management, Uncategorized
Like many people of my generation, I was raised in an Authoritarian household. I do not share this to bash anyone. I realize that for many of our parents, this was all they knew. Some may have chosen this style of parenting even if presented with other logical and...
by Dr. Deanna Shrodes | Jun 22, 2023 | Family, Loss, Ministry, Recovery, Relationships, Stress, Stress Management
“Cruel people offer pity when they no longer feel threatened. However, kind people offer compassion and understanding regardless.” Shannon L. Alder When my birth father, Gus, passed away in December, I thought to myself, “I just need space to grieve.” Everything had...
by Dr. Deanna Shrodes | Jun 14, 2023 | Leadership, Ministry, Relationships, Stress, Stress Management
I’m a person of deep feeling, and as delighted as I can get about things, I can also spiral down into an emotional abyss when things aren’t going well. I have realized that I need a personal strategy to overcome life’s disappointments or I just...
by Dr. Deanna Shrodes | Jun 7, 2023 | Relationships, Stress, Trauma
Can you read a post online that you disagree with and refrain from: Melting down emotionally Commenting with something rude, or lacking the fruit of the spirit Talking to your friends about how terrible the post was Reporting their post (online or in real life)...